Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Seven Quick Tips for Managing Stress

  1. Let go of the need to control. Don’t aim for unachievable perfection, be clear about your limits, and learn to say no to opportunities that you do not have time for. Try to keep the source of your stress in perspective with your overall life.
  2. Understand your stress triggers. Keeping a daily journal can be an effective way to help identify your stressors. If you can identify your sources of your stress you may be better prepared to find ways to cope.
  3. Eat well. Feed your brain with healthy snacks and regular meals. Eating a well-balanced diet ensures that your body and mind have the nutrients they need for proper function.
  4. Get enough sleep. Aim for at least 8 hours each night. Missing out on a good night’s rest can have a detrimental effect on your mood and appetite.
  5. Stay physically active. Regular exercise can help improve your mental health in addition to your physical health.
  6. Take time to be still and quiet. You may find calm in listening to music, reading, meditating or doing breathing exercises. Find a practice that gives you an opportunity to achieve mental clarity and calm, and then make time for it – no excuses.
  7. Talk it out. Sharing your struggles with friends or family can give them an opportunity to assist you, and provide a sounding board for your thoughts and feelings. You may also choose to talk to your primary care doctor or a mental health practitioner if you feel you need professional help or guidance.
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