Monday, January 1, 2018

Resetting After a Holiday Splurge

The Holiday's are over and now the guilt sets in as we step on the scale and remember all of the extra calories we ate during the season.  You are not alone.  Many of your friends are in the same boat.   Here are some tips for resetting and start eating healthier meals.

1. Stop the Shame Train
Shame and guilt are only going to make you feel worse. They are also bad motivators, and probably won’t motivate you to make healthy choices in the future. Remember that it’s okay to indulge every once in a while.

2. Get in Tune with Your Body
It may surprise you to learn that you may actually want the foods you restrict even more than if you were to allow yourself to have them.  Look for a mix of different foods, and get in tune with what foods your body wants to feel its best. Typically, a combination of fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, whole grains, and an occasional sweet treat is your best bet for a healthy and sustainable eating plan.

3. Stop Thinking of Food as Good and Bad
It’s important to recognize that all foods can fit into a healthy eating style at all times of the year. Practicing intuitive and mindful eating by listening to your hunger cues, and appreciating the food you’re eating can help you eat portions that are satisfying without feeling deprived or too stuffed.
By focusing on your hunger cues and truly listening to what your body is craving, it should be easier for you to choose and savor the foods you eat.

Information for this article from the Food Insight Newsletter:
Resetting After a Holiday Splurge

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