Wednesday, March 14, 2018

5 Foods to Include in Your Shopping Cart

1. Cereal and Oats
Cereal and oats are packed with whole grains for sustained energy and fiber for gut health, and some are even fortified with iron and B-vitamins. If you become an expert label reader, you’ll be able to choose the cereals that are high in these nutrients and lower in added sugar. These foods are perfect for a hearty breakfast, snack, or as part of a healthy baked good. The options are endless!

2. Healthy Oils

Within the aisles of the grocery store are lots of healthy oils to choose from, such as canola, soybean, sunflower, olive, and avocado oil. Depending on what you’re cooking, it may be helpful to have a few different options on hand. Choose oils rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats as these types of fats have been show to support cardiovascular health.

3. Frozen Fruits and Vegetables

Did you know frozen fruits and vegetables actually have the same nutrient content as fresh? Plus, since they’re frozen, their shelf life is much longer than fresh. Frozen fruits and vegetables can be added to smoothies or cooked with any meal to boost your fiber and micronutrient (vitamins and antioxidants) intake. Supermarket registered dietitian, Stacy Bates, agrees: “Center store and frozen items provide a great nutritional bang for their buck (or sometimes less than a buck!)”.

4. Pasta

The carbohydrates in pasta will give you the energy you need to make it through your day. Options like whole wheat pasta are rich in whole grains and fiber while regular pasta is often enriched with B vitamins, such as folic acid. You can also choose pasta that has been fortified with protein, healthy fats, or veggies. With various types and shapes, pasta is the perfect way to add some variety to your meals.

5. Canned Beans and Fish

Perhaps the most underrated items in the center of the grocery store are the canned beans and fish. These protein-packed options, such as black beans, chickpeas, tuna and salmon, can be added to multiple meals.  These items can prevent food waste and be helpful for populations with limited income, senior citizens, or those who don’t cook often or have limited meal preparation skills or abilities.” Canned options have a longer shelf life, are packed with nutrients, and are often very affordable.

Adapted from

#CenterYourFocus: 5 Foods to Include in Your Shopping Cart

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