Tuesday, August 2, 2016

60 Ways to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

If you have diabetes, your family members are at risk for diabetes.  Work as a team with these ideas to help you reduce your blood sugar levels and help them to prevent diabetes.

1. Eat smaller portions
2. Drink a large glass of water 10 minutes before your meal so you feel less hungry.
3. Keep meat, chicken, turkey, and fish portions to about 3 ounces.
4. Share one dessert.
5. Use teaspoons, salad forks, or child-size forks, spoons, and knives to help you take smaller bites and eat less.
6. Make less food look like more by serving your meal on a salad or breakfast plate.
7. Eat slowly. It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to send a signal to your brain that you are full.
8. Listen to music while you eat instead of watching TV (people tend to eat more while watching TV).
9. Try filling your plate like this: 1/4 protein, 1/4 grains, 1/2 vegetables and fruit, dairy (low-fat or skim milk)
10. Move more everyday.
11. Show your kids the dances you used to do when you were their age.
12. Turn up the music and jam while doing household chores.
13. Work out with a video that shows you how to get active.
14. Catch up with friends during a walk instead of by phone.
15. March in place while you watch TV.
16. Walk the Rail Trail or at the Fitness Complex. 
17. Choose Healthy Foods.
18. Choose to eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
19. Cut back on high-fat foods like whole milk, cheeses, and fried foods. This will help you reduce the amount of fat and calories you take in each day. 
20. Snack on a veggie.
21. Buy a mix of vegetables when you go food shopping.
22. Choose veggie toppings like spinach, broccoli, and peppers for your pizza.
23. Try eating foods from other countries. Many of these dishes have more vegetables, whole grains, and beans.
24. Buy frozen and low-salt (sodium) canned vegetables. They may cost less and keep longer than fresh ones.
25. Stir fry, broil, or bake with non-stick spray or low-salt broth. Cook with less oil and butter.
26. Try not to snack while cooking or cleaning the kitchen.
27. Cook with smaller amounts of cured meats (smoked turkey and turkey bacon). They are high in salt.
28. Cook with a mix of spices instead of salt.
29. Try different recipes for baking or broiling meat, chicken, and fish.
30. Choose foods with little or no added sugar to reduce calories.
31. Cook with smaller amounts of cured meats (smoked turkey and turkey bacon). They are high in salt.
32. Cook with a mix of spices instead of salt. 
33. Choose brown rice instead of white rice. 
34. Eat healthy on the go. 
35. Have a big vegetable salad with low-calorie salad dressing when eating out. Share your main dish with a friend or have the other half wrapped to go. 
36. Make healthy choices at fast food restaurants. Try grilled chicken (with skin removed) instead of a cheeseburger. 
37. Skip the fries and chips and choose a salad. 
38. Order a fruit salad instead of ice cream or cake. 
39. Find a water bottle you really like and drink water from it every day. 
40. Peel and eat an orange instead of drinking orange juice. 
41. If you drink whole milk, try changing to 2% milk. It has less fat than whole milk. Once you get used to 2% milk, try 1% or fat-free (skim) milk. This will help you reduce the amount of fat and calories you take in each day. 
42. Drink water instead of juice and regular soda. 
43. Make at least half of your grains whole grains, such as whole grain breads and cereals, brown rice, and quinoa. 
44. Use whole grain bread for toast and sandwiches. 
45. Keep a healthy snack with you, such as fresh fruit, a handful of nuts, and whole grain crackers.

46. Slow down at snack time. Eating a bag of low-fat popcorn takes longer than eating a candy bar.
47. Share a bowl of fruit with family and friends.
48. Eat a healthy snack or meal before shopping for food. Do not shop on an empty stomach.
49. Shop at your local farmers market for fresh, local food.
50. Make a list of food you need to buy before you go to the store.
51. Keep a written record of what you eat for a week. It can help you see when you tend to overeat or eat foods high in fat or calories.
52. Compare food labels on packages.
53. Choose foods lower in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, calories, salt, and added sugars.
54. Take time to change the way you eat and get active. Try one new food or activity a week.
55. Find ways to relax. Try deep breathing, taking a walk, or listening to your favorite music.
56. Pamper yourself. Read a book, take a long bath, or meditate.
57. Think before you eat. Try not to eat when you are bored, upset, or unhappy.
58. Be sure to drink at least 2 quarts of water a day.
59. Limit your screen daily screen time
60. Get plenty of sleep to help your body repair itself.

Adapted from National Institute on Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Disease webpage article 50 Ways to Prevent Diabetes https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-topics/Diabetes/50-ways-prevent-diabetes/Pages/publicationdetail.aspx.

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